Marketing Faculty Media Mentions

  • July 25, 2022

    Gautham Vadakkepatt, director of the Center for Retail Transformation and associate professor of marketing, shared his thoughts on the store-in-a-store concept with Bisnow.

  • July 7, 2022

    Bed, Bath, & Beyond is facing a potential bankruptcy. “With Target, the groceries can drive people coming to the store to buy other things, but Bed, Bath & Beyond doesn’t have that luxury,” says Gautham Vadakkepatt, associate professor of marketing, in an interview with Bisnow.

  • June 1, 2022

    Laurie A. Meamber, associate professor of marketing, was interviewed by WalletHub on Geico’s success as a company.

  • April 18, 2022

    If you utilize something without paying it for it, like a park, it makes you a free rider. And finding solutions to sustain these resources is harder than you think. Professor of marketing Tarun Kushwaha says "you can never have a completely free public good that is sustainable in the future forever. It eventually will fail" in an interview with Business Insider. 

  • April 14, 2022

    Shopping for car insurance can often be difficult, Tarun Kushwaha, professor of marketing, says that "customers need to examine their willingness to pay (monthly premium), risk averseness (probability of tickets/accidents), and sensitivity to service..." in an interview with WalletHub. 

  • February 15, 2022

    Laurie Meamber, associate professor of marketing, says that “one common mental mistake people make when they use a balance transfer is to forget that the transfer does not reduce the total amount of debt,” in an interview with MoneyGeek.

  • January 30, 2022

    Brett Josephson, associate dean for Executive Development, was on the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management’s podcast to discuss our Chief Risk Officer Program.

  • January 19, 2022

    With technology changing how we shop, Gautham Vadakkepatt, director of the Center for Retail Transformation, notes that companies should utilize automation “and use our talented workforce in a context that actually adds value to the company.”

  • December 15, 2021

    How can business schools train the most effective DEI leaders? Cameron Harris, assistant area chair of business foundations; Brett Josephson, associate dean of Executive Development; Benjamin Kessler, research communications and outreach officer; and Christine Landoll, director of business engagement, answer this in an article for AACSB.

  • December 9, 2021

    Because of shortages, “smaller retailers might also see more people visit their stores or websites seeking substitutes or alternatives for gifts, [which means], there is an increased opportunity for smaller retailers to win over customers,” Gautham Vadakkepatt notes in an interview with Loudoun Now.