Seeking student mentors for INYO 261!
INYO 261 is being offered in the spring 2024 semester on Fridays from 9:00 - 10:15 am.
Course Outcomes:
In this new service learning course (INYO 261), you will work closely with 2-3 multilingual students on campus, helping them adjust to the culture of Mason and Northern Virginia while developing intercultural competence, listening, and mentoring skills.
Through this community-based learning experience, students will learn to:
1. Understand our own and others’ ways of making meaning and acting in familiar and unfamiliar cultural contexts
2. Respond mindfully in contexts that disorient or challenge us, and bridge cultural gaps in those contexts such as by suspending judgment, shifting our perspectives, attuning to others’ emotions, and adapting our behavior in appropriate and effective ways
3. Interpret intercultural experience from the perspectives of two or more worldviews and demonstrate ability to act in a supportive manner that recognizes the feelings of another cultural group
4. Develop skill in listening and in verbal and non-verbal communication strategies
For questions, please contact with questions.