Baroni Center Student Ambassadors gained insights into government contracting at Atlantic Union Bank
Joe Humphries, Market Executive, Specialized Finance with Atlantic Union Bank hosted a site visit for Baroni Center Student Ambassadors. Humphries is also a member of the Center's Advisory Board.
Paul Deerin, Senior Vice President with Atlantic Union Bank, moderated a wide-ranging discussion with Morgan Higgins, Principal with Bue Delta Capital Partners and Tony Crescenzo, President and CEO of Intelligent Waves.
For the Baroni Center and its Advisory Board members, students are a critical resource if we are to build the government’s workforce for the future. We all remember asking ourselves the question, what job am I interested in? This unique program affords undergraduate students the opportunity for hands-on experiences in this industry; with room for all academic areas: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Operations Management, Management, and Marketing; all while serving a greater mission in government and in business.
This will be the first of a series of site visits arranged for the Ambassadors this semester. Students can look forward to additional posts in the School of Business Buzz Blog.
Undergrads who are interested in learning more about this program can contact Charlie Dolgas, Baroni Center, cdolgas@gmu.edu